Prior to a home inspection, my client and I sign an agreement that sets the terms of the service I provide, which adhere to the Oregon and Washington State Standards of Practice. This creates a mutual understanding of the scope of a the home inspection report. Please take the time to read the Pre-Inspection agreement in its entirety.
Here are some highlights:
- You will receive a written report of the apparent condition of the readily accessible installed systems and components of the property at the time of the inspection.
- A home inspection report is a snapshot in time, it represents the state of the home at the time I write the report.
- I adhere to the Oregon and Washington State Standards of Practice (SOP).
- The inspection is for the sole, confidential, and exclusive possession of the client. The word “client” represents that this obligation is incurred in the interest of the family.
- A home inspection is neither an appraisal of the value nor a physical survey. The written report is not a compliance inspection nor certification of past or present governmental codes or regulations of any kind.
- Based on age and condition of house, I may recommend testing for such things as mold, lead, asbestos, and other hazardous substances.
- Auxiliary systems are not included in an inspection report. These include wells, septic systems, security systems, central vacuum systems, water softeners, sprinkler systems, fire and safety equipment, and others listed in the agreement.
- The inspection does not determine whether the property is insurable.