covid19 update Portland Home Inspection

2021 COVID Protocol Revision

In March 2020, I established a COVID-19 safety protocol for my business. I have done some slight revisions since we now have a much better understanding of the virus and how it spreads. I still have strict measures in place to protect you, myself, and our community.

I am now allowing clients to come to inspections. Hooray! As always, it’s best to come at the end for a review of my findings. If clients want to reduce contact and not be present I am still happy to do reviews via Zoom or phone, and I offer contactless payment options.

If the sellers give their ok, realtors can just give me a code and I am happy to get to work without any contact until the end of the inspection or at review if someone chooses to be present.

I still expect everyone to wear facemasks if they choose to be present. Honestly, I have not had a client or realtor show up without one. We’ve all pretty much got this down now! I also expect to maintain social distancing, 10’ inside, 6’ outside and masked at all times.

I am continuing to wear an N-95 while inside any home. I bring my own soap and a small towel to dry my hands and I wash my hands several times during the inspection. I am still using antibacterial wipes to wipe down high touch surfaces in occupied and vacant homes at the end of each and every inspection.

I leave a note at each house stating the measures I have taken. I think this has really helped sellers who are living in their homes during the sale and inspection of their home feel much more comfortable.

Full-Service Home Inspection Services

At Check It Out Home Inspection Services, we offer all the home inspection services you would expect, including electrical, plumbing, roof, structure, interior, exterior, garage, and grounds, etc. Go to the Check it Out Home Inspection homepage for a full list of home inspection services. We also offer One-Stop Shopping. Home Inspection Services so you can schedule sewer scoping, radon testing, and oil tank searches 24/7 with a single click or call. Schedule your home inspection online or by phone at 971-666-1184. Call today!

Check It Out Home Inspection provides service to the Greater Portland and Vancouver areas.

covid19 update Portland Home Inspection

COVID-19 Update

Hello Everyone!

I just want to let you all know that unless things change,

I am still doing home inspections, BUT

I am implementing substantial precautions to reduce exposure for everyone.

To protect the client, homeowner, and realtors, I will be:

  • Bringing my own soap and clothes to wash and dry my hands about 6x during the average inspection. (My hands hurt from so much handwashing, yours probably do too!)
  • Bringing my own hand sanitizer and using it about 4x during the inspection.
  • Using antibacterial wipes to wipe down all high touch surfaces in the house after the inspection (knobs, switches, faucets)

I am also asking realtors and clients to NOT attend inspections. I will use Zoom or Google Duo to review inspections with the client and/or realtor.

If a client insists on an in-person review, I ask that we maintain a distance of 6’ outside (weather permitting) or 10’ while inside.

To prevent me from being a carrier,

We have implemented the following measures at home:

  • No visitors.
  • No kids other our own in our house (I have a 12-year-old son).Everyone washing with soap and water when coming inside from anywhere, and before going out.
  • Everyone washing hands with soap and water when coming inside from anywhere, and before going out.
  • Disinfecting door knobs at least 2x a day.
  • Making sure our son uses hand sanitizer when riding with friends outside, and maintaining a safe distance.
  • No contact games.
  • My husband is working from home and using the same measures.
  • We are having groceries and supplies delivered.
  • We are limiting trips outside of the house to those absolutely necessary, other than taking walks while keeping a safe personal distance from others. (Except for walks, my husband has not been out of the house in almost a week.)

All of us are adjusting to this unprecedented situation. If you have any questions about my new protocols, please call or text me on my personal line:


To schedule an inspection, please continue doing so online or by calling my answering service at 971-666-11184

I’m grateful for the beautiful weather and to still be able to do my job so you can do your job!

See you in the field! Wait, no… I won’t see you in the field but I hope to see you on my schedule!
