covid19 update Portland Home Inspection

COVID-19 Update

Hello Everyone!

I just want to let you all know that unless things change,

I am still doing home inspections, BUT

I am implementing substantial precautions to reduce exposure for everyone.

To protect the client, homeowner, and realtors, I will be:

  • Bringing my own soap and clothes to wash and dry my hands about 6x during the average inspection. (My hands hurt from so much handwashing, yours probably do too!)
  • Bringing my own hand sanitizer and using it about 4x during the inspection.
  • Using antibacterial wipes to wipe down all high touch surfaces in the house after the inspection (knobs, switches, faucets)

I am also asking realtors and clients to NOT attend inspections. I will use Zoom or Google Duo to review inspections with the client and/or realtor.

If a client insists on an in-person review, I ask that we maintain a distance of 6’ outside (weather permitting) or 10’ while inside.

To prevent me from being a carrier,

We have implemented the following measures at home:

  • No visitors.
  • No kids other our own in our house (I have a 12-year-old son).Everyone washing with soap and water when coming inside from anywhere, and before going out.
  • Everyone washing hands with soap and water when coming inside from anywhere, and before going out.
  • Disinfecting door knobs at least 2x a day.
  • Making sure our son uses hand sanitizer when riding with friends outside, and maintaining a safe distance.
  • No contact games.
  • My husband is working from home and using the same measures.
  • We are having groceries and supplies delivered.
  • We are limiting trips outside of the house to those absolutely necessary, other than taking walks while keeping a safe personal distance from others. (Except for walks, my husband has not been out of the house in almost a week.)

All of us are adjusting to this unprecedented situation. If you have any questions about my new protocols, please call or text me on my personal line:


To schedule an inspection, please continue doing so online or by calling my answering service at 971-666-11184

I’m grateful for the beautiful weather and to still be able to do my job so you can do your job!

See you in the field! Wait, no… I won’t see you in the field but I hope to see you on my schedule!
