Home Inspection Services Portland Home Inspection

Inspection Services Offered By Check It Out Home Inspection

Check it Out Home Inspection_Inspection Services Offered By Check It Out Home Inspection

High-Quality Home Inspections Available In Portland

The purpose of a home inspection is to check the condition of a home’s exterior, interior, plumbing, and electrical systems, and structure, looking for defects, wear, and safety concerns. There are several reasons why Portland locals might want a home inspection. Check It Out Home Inspection offers the following services to Portland.

Pre-Purchase Inspections

During a pre-purchase inspection, Check It Out Home Inspection will take a visual, non-invasive account of the condition of the home. Most things in the home will be tested or operated and a report will be written about the conditions.  Pre-purchase inspections help Portland homebuyers know if they are making the right decision when they choose to buy a home.
Click to learn more about pre-purchase home inspections.

Re-Inspections for Pre-Purchase Inspections

Once your home has been inspected, and the buyers have asked the sellers to do repairs, some buyers opt for a re-inspection. This lets the buyer know whether or not the repairs were done properly.

Sellers Home Inspection

There are times when a seller’s inspection can be very advantageous. This is a great way to have the house ready to be sold. The seller can choose to repair defective/worn components or choose to leave them and price the house accordingly. Often, a pre-sale inspection can help a house sell faster. The longer a house is on the market, the more it costs the seller in overhead. Fast sales can save sellers money.

Click to learn more about seller home inspections.

New Construction And Warranty Pre-Expiration Inspections

Portland homebuyers who are looking into buying a newly constructed home may want to get a new construction inspection when construction is complete, but before the final walk-through with the builder. This will allow Portland locals to address any issues found with their builder during that final walk-through. Portland homeowners whose warranty is close to expiring may want to have a home inspection done before the warranty is out of date. This will give them the opportunity to tell their builder about problems that need to be addressed before the warranty ends.

Click to learn more about new construction/warranty pre-expiration home inspections.

Peace Of Mind/Maintenance Home Inspection

Portland homeowners can ease their worries with peace-of-mind home inspections. After all, your home will need maintenance the entire time you live in it. Peace-of-mind home inspections allow you to know which parts of your home need maintenance most, and how best to spend your maintenance money.

Click to learn more about peace-of-mind home inspections..

Full-Service Home Inspection Services

At Check It Out Home Inspection Services, we offer all the home inspection services you would expect, including electrical, plumbing, roof, structure, interior, exterior, garage, and grounds, etc. Go to the Check it Out Home Inspection homepage for a full list of home inspection services. We also offer One-Stop Shopping. Home Inspection Services so you can schedule sewer scoping, radon testing, and oil tank searches 24/7 with a single click or call. Schedule your home inspection online or by phone at 971-666-1184. Call today!

Check It Out Home Inspection provides service to the Greater Portland and Vancouver areas.


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