Home Inspection Report Home Inspection Services HVAC Portland Home Inspection

How Much Life Does My Heating And Cooling HVAC Have?

check-it-out-home-inspections_How Much Life Does My Heating And Cooling HVAC Have


Check It Out Home Inspection offers peace-of-mind and home inspections for buyers and sellers. Whether you’re looking for vital information about the overall condition of the home prior to a sale, or simply want to ease your worries about ongoing or impending house issues, Check It Out Home Inspections offers experienced and professional services.

Learn About the Life Expectancy of Your HVAC

With Check It Out Home Inspection’s services, Portland homeowners can learn about the average life expectancy of their HVAC system. Check It Out Home Inspection will test heating and cooling equipment, including furnaces, air conditioners, heat pumps, and gas fireplaces. Check It Out Home Inspection will also check for short cycling, look for proper handling of condensate, inspect insulation in unfinished accessible spaces such as attics, crawlspaces, and basements, and inspect fireplaces and chimneys for potential risks. After inspections are complete, Portland homeowners will know what to reasonably expect from their HVAC and be better prepared for the future.

About Check It Out Home Inspection

I started Check It Out Home Inspection to apply my 15 years of carpentry experience to home inspections. I worked in both new construction and remodeling, so I know houses inside and out — framing, foundations, plumbing, electrical, windows & doors, HVAC, you name it. I am proud to serve the entire Portland metropolitan area as well as the southwestern Washington/Vancouver area.

I look forward to meeting you at the inspection! -Karen

Full-Service Home Inspection Services

At Check It Out Home Inspection Services, we offer all the home inspection services you would expect, for example electrical, plumbing, roof, structure, interior, exterior, garage, and grounds, etc. (Go to the Check it Out Home Inspection homepage for a full list of home inspection services). We also offer One-Stop Shopping Home Inspection Services so you can schedule sewer scoping, radon testing, and oil tank searches 24/7 with a single click or call.

Check It Out Home Inspection provides service to the Greater Portland and Vancouver areas.


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Home Inspection Services Home Inspector HVAC Portland Home Inspection

Schedule A Portland Home Inspection 24/7

check-it-out-home-inspections_Schedule A Portland Home Inspection 24-7

A home inspection is a visual, noninvasive process where all of the items typically used within a home are tested and/or operated to verify proper operation or installation. Systems included are electrical, plumbing, roof, structure, interior, exterior, HVAC, some appliances and grounds.

What’s Included In The Home Inspection For Each System?


Home Inspection for Electrical Systems includes but may not be limited to checking for problems with bus or grounding. Assess wiring for general condition, signs of arcing, grounding, and proper use of ground-fault protection systems. Interior and exterior outlets are tested for proper grounding and polarity.


Home Inspection for Plumbing Systems includes but may not be limited to checking signs of leakage from supply lines and drains. Assess plumbing fixtures such as faucets, showers, and toilets to ensure they function properly. Confirm water heater operates and is properly installed.


Home Inspection for the Roof includes but may not be limited to inspecting shingles and flashing for proper installation and signs of failure or possible leakage. Inspect skylights, vents, and other penetrations. Confirm safe clearances to trees and utility services lines.


Home Inspection for Structure includes but may not be limited to inspecting visible framing in home, garage, and outbuildings, including roof, basement, and crawlspace. Look for signs of settling or foundation failure. Look for signs of penetrations, leakage, mold, or infiltration by insects or rodents.


Home Inspection for Interior includes but may not be limited to inspecting the condition of floors, ceilings, and walls for deterioration, safety, and function. Confirm stairway and railing safety. Confirm windows and doors are in good working order, and that openings conform to safety standards.


Home Inspection for Exterior includes but may not be limited to inspecting siding, eaves, soffits, fascia, and trim for signs of rot or other deterioration. Confirm gutters, downspouts, and other drainage systems, including sump pumps, are working properly. Inspect decks, patios, porches, and walkways for structural soundness and safety.


Home Inspection for HVAC Systems includes but may not be limited to testing heating and cooling equipment, including furnaces, air conditioners, heat pumps, and gas fireplaces. Look for proper venting and handling of condensate.


Home Inspection for Appliances includes the inspection on a pass/fail basis for built-in appliances like the kitchen range, refrigerator, dishwasher, and food waste disposal. Washers and dryers are not tested.

The Grounds

Home Inspection for the Grounds includes but may not be limited to the inspection of walkways, railings, driveways, steps, and patios for safety issues, drainage issues, and signs of cracking, settling, or other failures.

About Check It Out Home Inspections

I started Check It Out Home Inspection to apply my 15 years of carpentry experience to home inspections. I worked in both new construction and remodeling, so I know houses inside and out — framing, foundations, plumbing, electrical, windows & doors, HVAC, you name it. I am proud to serve the entire Portland metropolitan area as well as the southwestern Washington/Vancouver area.

You can schedule with us 24/7 with a click or a call below.


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Home Maintenance Tips HVAC Portland Home Inspection

HVAC Tune-Ups for Comfort and Savings

HVAC Tune-ups for Comfort and Savings

Routine Maintenance

Just like routine car maintenance, routine HVAC system maintenance is a great investment in your personal comfort, peace of mind, and household budget. A clean and smoothly running HVAC system works better and lasts longer. It keeps you more comfortable and saves you money—both in the short term and the long term. It also means fewer inconvenient breakdowns.

How Often

You should change your filters as often as necessary—which means you need to check them multiple times throughout the year. Professional servicing can be done less frequently.

The average life expectancy of an HVAC system is 20-25 years. Just as with cars, each manufacturer recommends a maintenance schedule. In general, a newer system can probably be serviced every other year. Again, just as with cars, the older your system gets, the more it can benefit from routine maintenance.

Change Filters Often

The simplest job you can do yourself to make your HVAC system last longer is to change the filter. Think of it as changing car engine oil. It goes without saying that changing your filter frequently keeps your indoor air cleaner, but there are mechanical reasons as well. When the filter is dirty, the blower works much harder to keep air flowing through it. This puts a strain on the blower and can cause it to wear out more quickly. Also, the particles a dirty filter doesn’t collect can be deposited in ducts, heating elements, and coils, reducing their efficiency. Your system will try to compensate for the efficiency loss by working harder.

Clean Inside and Out

This brings up another important part of HVAC service. The HVAC professional does a lot of routine of system components both inside and outside the house, such as the ones mentioned above, if they have accumulated dust or debris. They will also clean the coils in a heat pump or air conditioning unit outside if there is one. Again, this helps your system run more efficiently, break down less often, and last longer overall.

Prevent Moisture Damage

The condensate line is another important item on the checklist. In the same way that a cold drink “sweats,” i.e. collects condensation, so do the heat exchanger coils on heat pumps and air conditioners. This condensate collects in a pan and drains through a small tube to be deposited in an appropriate location. If this line becomes blocked, the condensate liquid can build up and damage equipment or cause moisture damage to the house itself.

Comfort and Quiet

Finally, maintaining a well-tuned HVAC system keeps you more comfortable. You will breathe cleaner air and not have to listen to your system cycle on and off as frequently.

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HVAC Tune-ups for Comfort and Savings

Check It Out Home Inspection Offers One-Stop Shopping

At Check It Out Home Inspection Services, we offer all the home inspection services you would expect. Electrical, plumbing, roof, structure, interior, exterior, HVAC, garage, and grounds. As a one-stop shop, we also offer sewer scoping, radon testing, and oil tank searches. Click to see our full list of home inspection services.

Check It Out Home Inspection provides service to the Greater Portland and Vancouver areas. You can schedule ALL services, 24/7, with a single click or call.


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Home Inspection Terms HVAC Portland Home Inspection

Is it an A/C Unit or a Heat pump?

As a realtor you usually need to say on the MLS if a home has an A/C unit or a heat pump. The following is some information I hope you find useful to correctly identify the unit.

A heat pump is a single unit that works as an air conditioner in the summer and a heater in winter. In hot weather, a heat pump extracts heat energy out of the cold air inside the home and pumps it outside. In cold weather, it acts as an A/C in reverse — it extracts heat energy from the cold air outside and pumps it inside. When it is very cold outside, a heat pump needs help from a backup furnace. Nevertheless, homes with heat pumps generally have lower power bills.

The main part of a heat pump, the compressor, sits outside the house, and looks very similar to a typical A/C unit. Here are some ways to tell them apart. None of them are foolproof, so you may want to use more than one.

  1. Set the thermostat for just a few degrees above the current temperature (in heating mode) and go outside to see if the compressor is running. If you go too many degrees up, the backup furnace will come on, so make just a small adjustment in temperature. The only time this would not work is if it was very cold outside and the heat pump is in a defrost cycle.
  2. Look at the manufacturer plates on the outside compressor unit, or the air handler/furnace unit inside. It may say if it is a heat pump. It’s also a good idea to Google the serial number because sometimes the manufacturer plate says it is an air conditioning unit, but it can still be a heat pump.
  3. On a thermostat for a heat pump you should see a setting called “emergency heat”. This is not foolproof because I have found A/C thermostats used for heat pumps. The emergency, or auxiliary, heat turns on when the heat pump alone cannot warm the house to the desired temperature and a backup furnace will come on to boost the temperature.
  4. Heat pumps will be up on 4 inch plastic legs that allow for water to drain when it is in defrost cycle. A/C units will usually sit directly on a cement or brick pad.

Further reading:

What’s the Difference Between a Heat Pump and an Air Conditioner?