Karen Krieger
12 years experience, licensed in OR and WA
WA#: 880 | OR#: 1876 | CCB#: 223564
One Stop Shopping!
Home + sewer + radon + oil tank
Click here for Sewer Scope, Radon Testing and/or Oil Tank Search: Fees and how to pay
We have partnered with Down Under Environmental and will schedule their services, along with your home inspection. They offer sewer scoping, radon testing, and oil tank searches. We will do our best to have them there at the same time as your home inspection. There is a $25 fee added to your home inspection for this service on the last page of the scheduler.
Down Under Environmental fees are as follows:
Sewer scope $140
Oil tank search $140
Radon test $140
Bundle discounts:
-10$ off 2 services
-20$ off 3 services
*Stand-alone radon test (no other services) $180
The client will be responsible for paying Down Under Environmental at or before the time of service. They accept cash, check, or credit cards. (Call 503-659-1576 if the client will not be present to pay via credit card.) They will send the client and realtor their reports on the same day of their inspections.
Can’t find a time you are looking for? Let’s try to make it work! Please call the office at 971-666-1184. Available 24/7, call anytime.

We are a home inspection service located in Portland, OR. We are licensed in both Oregon and Washington.
- 12 years experience as home inspector
- 15 years experience as carpenter / contractor
- Woman-owned business
- Breast cancer survivor
- LGBTQ+ Ally
- Experienced with neurodivergent people
At Check It Out Home Inspection Services, we offer all the home inspection services you would expect: Electrical, Plumbing, Roof, Structure, Interior, Exterior, HVAC, Garage, and Grounds.
We also offer One-Stop Shopping where you can schedule sewer scoping, radon testing, and oil tank searches 24/7 with a single click or call.
Karen Krieger
WA#: 880 | OR#: 1876 | CCB#: 223564
About Karen
I started Check It Out Home Inspection to apply my 15 years of carpentry experience to home inspections. I worked in both new construction and remodeling so I know houses inside and out — framing, foundations, plumbing, electrical, windows & doors, HVAC, you name it.
I also remodeled and sold houses which has given me hands-on experience with both sides of real estate transactions. Understanding both the buyer’s and seller’s perspectives helps me remain unbiased in my reports. I like to say the my loyalty is to the house and reporting on it fairly.
I am proud to serve the entire Portland metropolitan area as well as southwestern Washington.
Systems Inspected
System | Description |
Electrical | Home Inspection of electrical systems. Inspect the service entrance and breaker box for proper sizing of breakers and circuits. Check for problems with bus or grounding. Assess circuits and wiring for general condition, signs of arcing, proper sizing for load, grounding, and proper use of ground-fault protection systems. Inspect interior and exterior outlets for proper grounding, polarity. |
Plumbing | Home Inspection for plumbing systems. Look for signs of leakage from supply lines and drains. Assess plumbing fixtures such as faucets, showers, and toilets to insure they function properly. Confirm water heater operates and is properly installed. |
Roof | Inspect shingles and flashing for proper installation and signs of failure or possible leakage. Inspect skylights, vents, and other penetrations. Confirm safe clearances to trees and utility services lines. |
Structure | Inspect visible framing in home, garage, and outbuildings, including roof, basement, and crawlspace. Look for signs of settling or foundation failure. Look for signs of penetrations, leakage, mold, or infiltration by insects or rodents. |
Interior | Inspect condition of floors, ceilings, and walls for deterioration, safety, and function. Confirm stairway and railing safety. Confirm windows and doors are in good working order, and that openings conform to safety standards. Look for damage to kitchen or bathroom cabinets from water or excessive wear. |
Exterior | Inspect siding, eaves, soffits, fascia, and trim for signs of rot or other deterioration. Confirm gutters, downspouts, and other drainage systems, including sump pumps, are working properly. Inspect decks, patios, porches, and walkways for structural soundness and safety. |
HVAC | Test heating and cooling equipment, including furnaces, air conditioners, heat pumps, and gas fireplaces. Check for proper thermostatic control. Look for proper venting and handling of condensate. Inspect insulation in finished and unfinished spaces such as attics, crawlspaces, and basements. Inspect fireplaces and chimneys for potential risks. |
Appliances | Home Inspection services for built-in appliances like The kitchen range, refrigerator, dishwasher, and food waste disposal are inspected on a pass/fail basis. |
Garage | Attached and detached garages inspected for structural and operational integrity, including all exterior features included in main buildings as well as electrical and mechanical systems if present. Overhead doors checked for safe and proper operation. |
Grounds | Inspect walkways, railings, driveways, steps, and patios for safety issues, drainage issues, and signs of cracking, settling, or other failure. |
Additional Inspections: SEWER, RADON, OIL
Click here for Sewer Scope, Radon Testing and/or Oil Tank Search: Fees and how to pay
We have partnered with Down Under Environmental and will schedule their services, along with your home inspection. They offer sewer scoping, radon testing, and oil tank searches. We will do our best to have them there at the same time as your home inspection. There is a $25 fee added to your home inspection for this service on the last page of the scheduler.
Down Under Environmental fees are as follows:
Sewer scope $140
Oil tank search $140
Radon test $140
Bundle discounts:
-10$ off 2 services
-20$ off 3 services
*Stand-alone radon test (no other services) $180
The client will be responsible for paying Down Under Environmental at or before the time of service. They accept cash, check, or credit cards. (Call 503-659-1576 if the client will not be present to pay via credit card.) They will send the client and realtor their reports on the same day of their inspections.
Additional Info & Documents
Inspection Services details & how it works
My home inspection services include:
- Buyer’s and seller’s home inspections
- Reinspections (look at repaired or replaced items to insure they were fixed properly)
- Outbuildings
- New construction inspections
- Home warranty inspections
- Peace-of-mind inspections (identify issues that need attention)
Your Home Inspection Report includes easy-to-read details on:
- The condition of every major component from the roof to the basement. This includes but is not limited to: grounds, roof, exterior, garage, electrical, plumbing, kitchen, bathrooms, living spaces, and outbuildings.
- Evaluation and description of the manually tested working order of all operable systems, i.e. windows, doors, faucets and sinks, heating and a/c systems, etc.
- A summary page that helps to prioritize items of concern such as major defects, deferred cost items (things that may need replacing/repairing within 5 years), safety issues, potential improvements, and items to monitor.
I email the detailed home inspection report to you to (and your realtor, if requested) and will always make sure you understand everything and answer any remaining questions. I generally email the report within 24 hours of the inspection.
At Check It Out Home Inspection, my job is to give an objective, accurate description of the state of a home or other structure. No more, no less.
Pre-Purchase Home Inspection Services
A home inspection is a visual, noninvasive process where all of the items typically used within a home are tested and/or operated to verify proper operation or installation. Doors and windows are opened and closed, the grounds and roofing and siding materials are inspected, air-conditioning and heating systems operated. Attics and crawlspaces are inspected, looking at structure, insulation, venting, plumbing, and electrical systems, etc. I fill the sinks and tub(s), run the shower(s), and flush the toilets. All the while making notes on the condition and operation of the components tested. (more…)
Sellers Home Inspection Services
A seller’s inspection can help you close faster and save money. The information a seller and their realtor get from a seller’s inspection helps them price appropriately, opt to make advance repairs, give buyer fuller disclosure, and avoid costly and lengthy negotiations that can hold up closing, or worse, throw the deal. (more…)
New Construction and Warranty Pre-Expiration Inspections
Homeowners may choose to get a new construction inspection when construction is complete, but prior to your final walk-through with the builder. It is always a good idea to verify that utilities (gas, water, and electric) have been turned on, either by you or the Builder depending on the Builder’s policy. The inspection should be scheduled just a day or two before your final walk through with the Builder. Also, a homeowner can order a home inspection shortly before a home warranty will expire, giving the homeowner the chance to call out problems that need to be fixed by the builder before the warranty expires. (more…)
Maintenance/Peace of Mind Home Inspection
Pre-inspection Agreement
Prior to a home inspection, my client and I sign an agreement that sets the terms of the service I provide, which adhere to the Oregon and Washington State Standards of Practice. This creates a mutual understanding of the scope of a the home inspection report. Please take the time to read the Pre-Inspection agreement in its entirety.
Here are some highlights:
- You will receive a written report of the apparent condition of the readily accessible installed systems and components of the property at the time of the inspection.
- A home inspection report is a snapshot in time, it represents the state of the home at the time I write the report.
- I adhere to the Oregon and Washington State Standards of Practice (SOP).
- The inspection is for the sole, confidential, and exclusive possession of the client. The word “client” represents that this obligation is incurred in the interest of the family.
- A home inspection is neither an appraisal of the value nor a physical survey. The written report is not a compliance inspection nor certification of past or present governmental codes or regulations of any kind.
- Based on age and condition of house, I may recommend testing for such things as mold, lead, asbestos, and other hazardous substances.
- Auxiliary systems are not included in an inspection report. These include wells, septic systems, security systems, central vacuum systems, water softeners, sprinkler systems, fire and safety equipment, and others listed in the agreement.
- The inspection does not determine whether the property is insurable.
Sample Pre-Inspection Agreement
Why buyers get pre-purchase home inspection
Buying a house
Buying a house is a big decision — one of the biggest a person, couple, or family will ever make. How do you know you are making the right decision? Ultimately, only you can decide that. But it helps to have the information I can give you.
Why a Buyer Needs a Home Inspection
A home inspection gives the buyer detailed information about the overall condition of the home prior to purchase. A home inspector takes an in-depth, unbiased look at your potential new home to:
- Evaluate the physical condition: structure, construction, and mechanical systems
- Identify safety hazards
- Identify items that need to be repaired or replaced
- Estimate the remaining useful life of the major systems, equipment, structure, and finishes
What a home inspection covers:
- Grounds and exterior, including roof, gutter, chimney, drainage, grading, siding, trim, windows, doors
- Interior, including ceilings, walls, windows, insulation, and ventilation
- Bathrooms, kitchens, laundry rooms
- Appliances on a pass/fail basis
- Electrical and plumbing systems
- Crawlspaces
- Attic structure, insulation, ventilation
- Condition and life expectancy of heating and cooling system and water heater
- Garages and carports
Why Sellers get Home Inspection
Fixed monthly costs
Selling your house quickly can save you money. While your house is on the market, you are still paying the mortgage, insurance, taxes, and utilities. Getting the best price for your home is important, but a seller’s home inspection will usually cost you less than a single month’s overhead.
Contingencies and hung deals.
Most purchase/sale agreements are contingent upon the buyer’s response to a home inspection. If the inspection exposes any major defects, this can lead to a new round of negotiations, or hold up closing while defects are repaired. You and the buyer may both want to get estimates for the repairs. This all takes time, during which you continue to pay the fixed monthly costs. In some cases it can even cause the deal to fall through, sending the house back on the market.
Preemptive options
When you purchase a seller’s home inspection, you know in advance what the defects are. This gives you two good options.
- You may opt to order the repairs yourself, adding value to the deal and preventing last-minute delays to closing.
- Or, you can get estimates for the repairs and present these in full disclosure to the buyer stating that the home price reflects the fact that these repairs need to be done.
Appropriate pricing
Either of these choices gives the buyer an added sense of security and a way to feel confident that the house is being priced appropriately. Also, in both cases, the buyer has the option to purchase a much less expensive reinspection report which confirms the repairs have been done correctly.
Clear benefit
Taking either route, you are likely to sell your house more quickly, saving headaches and money.
Read more:
- When good deals go bad: Tips to keep your real estate transaction on track, Kari Richardson (March 16, 2012), The Chicago Tribune
- Pending HomeSales Gone Bad: Why Pending Home Sales Blow Up, Elizabeth Weintraub (Retrieved on: 11/10/2013), About.comm
Buyer/Client Checklist
Here is a list of things that will make your home inspection go smoothly. I look forward to meeting and working with you!
- Plan to be present for the last half hour of your inspection for a review. I schedule inspections for 4 hours.
- You can pay via check, a credit card with a 2.75% fee (3.75% if manually entered), or Venmo.
- Sign the pre-inspection agreement that was emailed to you prior to the inspection. (You can also sign at the inspection, or online when I send the report. I cannot release reports without payment and a signed pre-inspection agreement.)
- Your report has a summary page, but please take the time to read the entire report. (Click to view Sample Home Inspection Report)
Realtor Checklist
Checklist for Seller’s Agents and Buyer’s Agents
Below are two checklists. One is for Sellers agents (which includes homeowners and tenants). The other checklist is for buyer’s agents.
Checklist Seller’s Agents / Homeowner / Tenant:
On the day of the inspection, the seller/homeowner/tenant should PLEASE:
- expect to be gone for at least 4 hours.
- have all animals out of the house and yard or contained.
- clean up animal waste in the yard.
- provide clear access to the furnace, the electrical panel, all doors and windows, and as many outlets as possible—especially GFCI outlets.
- remove personal belongings that block clear access to the crawlspace hatch and attic hatch—especially if they are in a closet.
- have all sinks clear of personal property so faucets and drains can be tested.
- have the areas under the sinks cleared so drain lines are visible.
- have all firearms and other weapons secured in a location where the home inspector will not be in danger, or be responsible for moving them.
- leave all gates and outbuildings to be inspected unlocked.
- make sure all utilities (electricity, water, natural gas/propane) are on and pilot lights are lit. ( gas fireplaces, water heaters, stoves)
- have all window coverings open so windows are accessible.
- know that you may need to reset some clocks because testing GFCI and AFCI circuits interrupt power.
- make sure all switch-controlled lights have operating bulbs.
- for OR inspections, make sure the OR State required smoke alarms and CO detectors are installed.
Checklist for Buyer’s Agents:
- Utilities: Make sure all utilities are on. Systems cannot be inspected if not on. Electric, water, natural gas/propane.
- Sellers Agent: Make sure the seller’s agent knows the inspection schedule and notify the seller for proper access.
- Disclosure: Send us the disclosure form via email. (checkitouthomeinspection@gmail.com)
- Time: My thorough home inspections require at least 3.5 hours for a typical house—sometimes more for larger, older, or poorly maintained homes. Clients are welcome to be at the inspection, but especially should be present for the half-hour of review time in the end. So the inspection time on site is a total of 4 hours.
- Payment: Please remind your client that payment is due at the time of inspection. Your client can pay with a check, credit card with a 2.75% fee (3.75% if manually entered), or Venmo. (Your client received instructions in an email prior to the inspection.)
- Pre-inspection agreement: Remind your client that they must sign the pre-inspection agreement before I will release the report. (This was also sent via email, prior to the inspection. They can sign via the email, at the time of the inspection, or can sign online when the report is sent.)
Resources & Links
A home inspection is a visual, noninvasive process where all of the items typically used within a home are tested and/or operated to verify proper operation or installation. Two of the primary concerns of today’s homeowners are safety and energy efficiency. Below you can find resources and links recommended by Check It Out! Home Inspection services.
Home Safety:
- EPA Information on Mold
- Information on Safety and recalls at the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CSPC)
- Electrical
EPA information on home energy efficiency:
- Energy Star Home Energy Yardstick
- Green Building Reducing Energy Use
Reinspections & Warranty Inspections
If you are scheduling a re-inspection or a warranty inspection, then please email me. Please know how many items you are wanting re-inspected.